Thursday 7 February 2013


An Inkjet Printer is a type of non-impact printer.It prints characters and graphics by spraying tingy drops of liquid ink on paper.These printers can produce quality text and graphics in both black and white and color including photos.A typical injet printer provides resolution of 300 dots per inch or more.The latest inkject printer provide higher resolution
The price of Inkjet printer is less than laser printer.However,they are slower than laser pinter
Print quality of inkjet printer is better than dot matrix printer/They are comparativly inexpesive.
Most of Inkjet printer are frequenty used in the wolrd
An electrostatic printer is a type of non impact princter It uses a special paper for printing.It creates characters on paper by using stylus.It places an electrostaic charged image on the paper to create character.The paper is moved through a solution that contains ink particles.The ink adhere to the chatges that create a paterns on paper to develop the image

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